Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goals, not resolutions

I don't necessarily believe in making New Year's resolutions- they seem like a perfect set-up for failure.  However, working in a school setting, January also marks the beginning of a new semester, giving me a double dose of fresh starts.

So in the spirit of fresh starts, no matter the timing, here are my goals for 2012:

I want to keep in better touch with friends and family. With so many ways to know what's going on in people's lives, I think we forget that an effort is actually required beyond reading someone's profile or updates or tweets.

I need/want to make some sort of career plan- either stay here and start a grad program or move someplace else.  A good friend has set a goal for me to apply for another job, any job, by my birthday in April. It's scary to think about making a big change, but I know I need to do something.

I already use a trainer for strength training twice a week, but I need to find a way to get some quality cardio into my routine. My dance classes help, but as the descriptions say, they're 'for fun and exercise,' not a serious work out. Not sure if incorporating classes will work or just hanging out on the treadmill (until it gets warm enough to be outside!) will be my best option. (Of course I'm hoping that adding cardio will result in some amount of weight loss, but I'm choosing to focus on the positive change not get caught up in a specific outcome.)

This next one is a bit spoiled sounding, but I want to make a habit of treating myself to a spa treatment, maybe once a month. I had my eyebrows waxed and a mani/pedi right before the holidays and even letting someone else pamper you for 10 minutes can have such a lasting positive impact.

Luckily I do not have credit card or student loan debt, but I'm not the best at saving money. I'm close to needing a new car (unless I move someplace where it would be impractical to own a car!) and I'm not sure how much longer I want to live with a housemate. Both of those goals require better savings plans on my end. I also have some accounts I inherited from my parents that need to be moved around to fit in with my other accounts.

If I do choose to both stay in my current city and my current house, I want to do more things to settle in- buy curtains, hang art, pick up some more throw rugs, etc. Signs that I'm really growing up- scary! Actually, that's a goal no matter where I'm leaving- stop living like I'm in a temporary arrangement.

And of course, continuing trying to be an actual blogger, even if it's just to have a way to record what I do and don't accomplish this year!

PS Today I made my first guacamole from scratch (well from fresh avocado & a powdered mix)'s not the best I've ever had, but it was tasty in my homemade taco salad and I was very proud of myself for trying!

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