Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blogging equals friends with other benefits?

Many of the blogs I enjoy reading are written by people who say they have met some of their best friends through blogging.  While I already wish my dearest friends lived closer to me, I would love to belong to that special blogger community. Of course if I don't actually keep up with my blog, there's no way for me to make those connections :) I also could use a place to vent my frustrations and remind myself of all the positives in life. Even if no one but me reads this, it will be nice to have the record.

My campus had a pretty serious string of bad luck this fall- we lost a significant number of people from our community (all unrelated incidents involving current students, alums & faculty) in a very short time. While it was heartbreaking to learn of loss after loss, there was also something gratifying about seeing the community pull together.  We pride ourselves on being tight-knit, despite our growing size.  This fall, that was really put to the test.  Social networking helped spread the bad news but it also allowed us to remember that we are always part of the school. I personally heard from people I had not talked to in years. The only thing we really have in common is our alma matter, yet that's enough.

I may have finally reached a point in life where I do not want to live with a roommate anymore. My current roommate is a nice person, but we are at different stages in life.  He went straight to grad school from undergrad and is now in his first year as a professional. I have been out of school for 5 years and think of this house as my home, not just a space I am renting.  I travel a lot for work, so we haven't had much time in the house together, to work through some of the normal growing pains.  I know most of my frustrations are little things...but little things add up and turn into big things! I do love the house I live in and its location. I purchased more grown-up furniture this summer (my first dining table and a PURPLE couch) specifically for this house, so I hope I can stay here a while longer.  Walking to work is a definite plus, especially now that we're in hot chocolate season :)

My family also has gone through some tough times. In the span of 8 days, I unexpectedly lost two uncles. They were unrelated situations, from different sides of my family. I was able to visit with both men just prior to their passing, leaving me with positive memories of each. That doesn't erase the sadness, but it makes it a little easier. I also have a cousin battling breast cancer. She was diagnosed near the end of her second pregnancy. The timing was fortunate, allowing her to give birth around the same time-frame and start treatment shortly there after.  She is one of the strongest people I know, handling this with more grace than I could imagine. My nieces continue to grow into funny, smart, loving people. The love they share with me is better than I could have imagined.

Work is frustrating- I find myself feeling under-valued and unappreciated, but I am thankful to have a job. I know it is easier to find other options when you are not under pressure, so I am keeping my eyes and ears open for new opportunities.  My primary job responsibilities allow me to travel extensively, both internationally and domestically.  I am so lucky to have seen so much of this planet and I have met some of the best people in the process. Earning all those frequent flyer miles is a nice perk as well :)   Outside of my office, I work with a number of groups, including serving as a faculty advisor for two student organizations. This allows me to work with some of the most amazing students who have so much to offer the school, the town and the world. (Corny, I know, but true!)  I hold on to and cherish those experiences when my office life gets me down.

I'm still taking dance classes and I look forward to that time each week (even on the days I don't want to leave my house again!). I have met some of my best friends in those classes and the classes are a great physical outlet.

There are just 4 hours of work standing between me and a two week break.  A friend who moved to London this summer will be here for a very short visit in less than 48 hours- I have missed her (and her husband) so much and can't wait to see them.  Next week I'll be making my annual New Year's trip to Indiana to see two other dear friends. I'll also spend some time with my parents- my mom has a new cell phone that apparently is more than she can handle.  Hopefully I can help her feel a bit more comfortable!

So that's my life in a nutshell. It's not perfect, but I have more to be grateful for than anything else. Hopefully future entries will be a bit more balanced, but I'm not making any promises!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blogging take 2...or is it 3?

I am going to make another attempt at blogging!  This feels like a chicken vs the egg situation- I don't feel motivated to blog since I don't think anyone is actually reading this, but no one will read if I don't post anything! If anyone is reading this and would like to give me some advice on how to really get established in the blogging world, I'm all ears!

I've been feeling restless lately, watching several of my friends make big changes in their life.  I'm excited for their big moves and relationship changes. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I've made too many safe decisions in life.  Most people were not surprised by my choice of colleges and even fewer were surprised when I took a job at my alma mater. I never thought of those choices as taking the easy way out of anything.  I truly love my school and feel lucky to represent it...but I can see why some might accuse me of settling for what is comfortable.  My job is going through some changes this summer, which I think is adding to my restless feelings. I'm excited for the new challenges but not sure if it will be the change I actually want! I'm sure there will be more to come on that in the future :)

Tonight is my first night staying in a Doubletree by Hilton Hotel- by choice & for work anyways! I never thought of myself as picky when it came to hotels and therefore I am almost always satisfied with what hotels typically fit in my work budget.  That may change now that I've had a taste of something fancier! Fresh baked cookies and complimentary cocktails are quite the treat upon check in! Knowing that I would be here for four nights, I actually brought a bottle of wine in my suitcase (a first for me, not sure if I feel more like a grown up or someone with a drinking problem!).  I'm sure that free cocktail will come in handy later this week though!

Tomorrow is a long, full day, so I should probably get some sleep. I'm due to leave my hotel room around 8am and may not return until after 9 pm!

Monday, January 31, 2011


“You never know when you’re making a memory.” ― Rickie Lee Jones

I had the opportunity to interact with a large group of prospective students and families visiting campus this weekend. Some of the students had already applied AND been accepted, some had only applied and some are just beginning their college search.  I still remember my first few visits to campus and am envious of their fresh perspective.  For some of those students, it was their first (or second or third) visit to what will become home.

One of my favorite parts of my job is seeing students (especially those in high school), starting that journey towards adulthood.  Some have known exactly what they want to do and be since they were kids, others still have no idea.  They all have so many options and every choice leads them down a different path.  Ultimately, I can not imagine myself choosing a different school, because there are too many people and experiences I would have missed had I ended up someplace else.  At least that's what I tell myself when I wonder where I'd be if I had made a different choice!  The big experiences might have been the same, but it's the little ones I would miss.  The memories you don't realize you're making :)

I also found out this weekend that one of my closest friends was offered a job in London.  She (and her husband) will move this summer and be there for the next two years.  While I am SO excited for her, I am already dreading saying goodbye.  We've known each other for about four years, but it's just been this past year that we've hung out on a regular basis.  We bonded over our shared love of dance and wine, so I foresee a lot of both in the next 6 months.  Luckily she's going someplace fun so I know I will visit.  In the meantime, I'll enjoy making memories!


Friday, January 28, 2011

About Me

As Meredith Grey said, "We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?" Maybe it's because I work on a college campus or because I still wonder what I want to be when I grow up, but some days, I have to remind myself I really am an adult.

I work for my alma mater- so nice of them to give me a degree AND a job! I love sports and have season tickets for football. Being surrounded by students keeps life very interesting.

I love curling up with a good book but also have my share of guilty pleasure tv on my dvr.  My Netflix queue is long and varied as is my music library.  I think snow is magical but it doesn't compare to the feeling I get at the first sign of spring.

My parents instilled a love of travel in me at a young age.  My job takes me to some fun places (Vietnam next month!) and I'm always planning my next vacation!

I have two nieces that I adore (thanks big bro!) and more cousins then I can count. You may not be able to choose your family, good thing I got lucky with mine.

So that's a little about me, hope you'll stick around :)