Friday, February 3, 2012

SUYL Link Up

As you will quickly learn, I am a novice blogger.  Like most of the other posts say, this is not something I would expect of myself, but you can't argue with Kelly's success rate so it must be worth a try!

My name is Erin.  I have lived in Virginia since I was about two. I work for my alma mater and have a job that allows me to travel quite a bit.  Family is very important to me- I have two older brothers, two nieces, three uncles, six aunts, twenty-three first cousins and even more second & third cousins. I'm also lucky enough to have a circle of friends who, to borrow someone else's phrase, are my family by choice.

I love to travel (good thing with my job!).  By the time I was 16, I had been to five of the seven continents. It might take me a while, but I'll make it to those last two one day! Some of my favorite personal trips have been to Ireland (I am a ginger after all!), Australia, Switzerland, Texas, Georgia (Atlanta and its suburbs), Chicago, Indiana, Wisconsin and Colorado.  Since I have not figured out a way to gather up all my friends and family in one place, I'm glad they live in fun places to visit!  My work travel has taken me to Asia (China, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong) several times as well as all over New Jersey & Virginia, parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland & New York and even down to North Carolina.

My current job is in higher education.  Growing up I thought I wanted to be a teacher yet I ended up majoring in Public Relations.  Sometimes I think about going back to school to earn a teaching certificate. I love being around kids but I'm not sure I have enough patience to dedicate myself to the career. Lucky for me my friends have some pretty great kids and I like to volunteer at my church nursery.  I know I want kids of my own one day, when the time is right.

Growing up as the youngest and only girl, I'm a bit of a sports fan.  My NFL team is the Packers but I tend to like more individual players than full-on teams.  One of my favorite childhood memories is my mom printing out signs for us to claim our preferred spot for watching the Super Bowl.  I usually ended up on the floor, but sometimes I snagged a spot on the couch!

I will go to almost any live sporting event whether it is college, professional, community or any other age level.  I'm not the most athletically capable person, but I'm willing to try anything once. Aside from the everyday adventures of life, I love a challenge.  I've been skydiving and white water rafting, among other things.

I enjoy cultural events- concerts, plays, speakers, etc.  A neighboring town has a Broadway musical series I've been enjoying this year.  I can also be just as happy curled up on the couch watching trashy television. Really it matters more to me who I am with than what we are doing- cheesy, but true.

If I had to pick my favorite season, I'd say spring.  Truthfully I love the beginning stages of each season- there's something about seeing the changes and knowing all the fun they will bring.  Summer brings vacations and lots of outdoor activities.  Fall means tailgates and changing leaves.  Winter (usually) means hot chocolate and snow days. The first warm days of Spring are so refreshing after the cold of the previous months. (Girly confession- I also love getting to change out my wardrobe for the season. It's like shopping without spending any money!)

I have a pretty great life, now I just want someone to share it with! My most recent blog post has several pictures of me and the one before that has an assortment of trivia about me, in case you need more!  If you'd like to know more, just let me know!


1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    My sister actually reads Kelly's Corner from Boston, MA and sent me a few links of her singles feature. Which of course featured you So I thought I'd leave a note.

    I don't have a blog to lead you to but, I'm a 27 year old [obviously] single guy. I love to cook new things and to balance that out with exercise, I try and ride/race mountain bike as often as I can. I like to travel and was in Afghanistan and Dubai most recently and I want to go to South America next winter.

    I dig Hot Chocolate and snowdays too and wanted to drop you a line. You can catch me at if you're interested in talking.

