Friday, February 3, 2012

11 facts + 11 questions answered!

Since Beantown Prepster opened up this game to anyone who reads her blog, I thought it was a great topic for a post :)

The rules:
1. Post the rules.
2. Write 11 fun facts about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you and then create 11 new questions to ask people you tag.
4. Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!!

11 Fun Things about Myself:

1) I almost always wear earrings, even to the gym- I feel naked without them! (I think it's because some part of my brain thinks I look undone if you can see the empty holes.)
2) I am leaving in a month for a (mostly) work trip to China, Vietnam and Guam.

3) I was born on Guam, but left before I was old enough to really form memories, so my mom is going to meet me there and show me around.

4) I disliked the name of the 'iPad' so much that I said I would never get one. I even told my mom when she bought one that she would have to ask my brother for help, not me. (I got around that by giving her advice on how to use her iPod and reminding her that most of the advice would work for both.)

5) My office just provided me with an iPad & I'm already addicted to using it.

6) My junior year in high school, my daily lunch consisted of a can of Diet Pepsi and a snack bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.  (What can I say, it let me keep half the lunch money my parents gave me!)

7) I had perfect attendance from kindergarten all the way through my high school graduation.

8) Since I had such a healthy childhood, getting a cold now can sometimes turn me into a baby.

9) My first word was 'book' and reading has always been a big hobby for me.

10) I am obsessed with Tervis Tumblers and I can't wait to get one of their new water bottles.

11) Anytime I go out of town, I like to leave behind a freshly made bed.  Sometimes this means getting up early to have time to do laundry before leaving.  It's worth it to me!

11 Questions from Beantown Prepster:

1) If you could have a theme song to play when you walk down the street what would it be?

Happy Girl by Martina McBride

2) If you could only watch one TV Show for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on Bravo. (He talks about other shows and some current events, so I feel like I would still be in the know about other shows this way!)

3) French fries: Skinny and crispy or big and mushy?
Big and mushy!

4) What is your guilty pleasure outfit?
I have recently become obsessed with skinny jeans, but I'm not altogether confident in my ability to pull the look off, so it feels like a guilty pleasure when I do wear them!

5) Soda: Fountain, bottle or can?
Despite what I did in high school, now I only drink soda a few times a year at most. When I do, it's usually because I'm craving a straw, ice and something carbonated! Doesn't matter to me if it comes from a fountain, bottle or can though!

6) Favorite thing to do at the gym?
Lunges- I don't enjoy them at the time, but I can always feel that they worked afterwards!

7) If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Such a tough question! I have been lucky to visit so many amazing cities around the world.  The last two summers have included trips to Texas (once to San Antonio and once to Austin) and I was surprised how much I loved both of those cities. So maybe it would be fun to live in Texas for a period of time? I'm also considering applying to a few jobs in Europe, so maybe it's just that I need a change of scenery!

8) What was your first animal and do you remember its name?
The first pet I can remember was a cocker spaniel named Duffy.  We got him when I was 3 or 4. He was the most patient animal and I loved walking him (in reality I was probably being walked BY him).

9) What is one thing that you carry in your purse that you absolutely cannot live without?
Some form of lip gloss/chapstick/balm.

10) What is your most embarrassing habit?
I'm not sure if this counts as a habit, but some of the silliest things make me cry.  I'm currently watching Betty White's 90th Birthday Celebration on my DVR.  It's the end and Betty, along with everyone who spoke on stage, is singing the theme song to the Golden Girls.  There are tears in my eyes. It's not so embarrassing when I'm alone, but can be awkward when other people are around!
11) If you could meet and be BFFs in real life with a blogger that you follow, who would it be and why?  
I feel funny answering this, since I mainly read blogs without commenting- I don't want anyone to think I'm a crazy follower!  I will say that if any of the bloggers I follow lived near me, I would welcome the chance to get to know them better!

I don't have many readers, so I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you read this and want me to be tagged, let me know!

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